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The second wave of the coronavirus epidemic is quite different in nature and much more intense than the first wave in the spring. Although the municipal government has its institutions regularly disinfected and keeps testing those working in education, unfortunately the epidemic has reached the nurseries and kindergartens in Hegyvidék.

One of the classes at the Zugliget nursery is closed as part of the “bubble” system, i.e., the isolation of smaller units from each other. An early childhood educator has tested positive, and the staff members working with her and ten children are under epidemiological surveillance. The operation of other nurseries is uninterrupted.

There is currently an extraordinary break at the Városmajor kindergarten, both in the central kindergarten and in the member kindergarten. The Csermely Member Kindergarten will be closed until 11 October, and the central kindergarten until 18 October. The reason for the break is that a staff member working with a class in the Csermely Member Kindergarten has tested positive, while the other class unfortunately had a child test positive.

Two employees at the Városmajor Street headquarters tested positive at the testing provided by the municipality. Both staff members are asymptomatic. As one of them works with a class on the ground floor and the other in one of the upstairs classes, and the classes can only be separated by floor level, the Board of Education has ruled that an extraordinary break is ordered for all classes.

PCR testing showed that two employees working at the member kindergarten of the Orbánhegy Kindergartens were infected, both of whom work in the Orange class, and the children attending that class may return on 12 October at the earliest. Since staff managed to separate the individual classes, only one class has an extraordinary break at this kindergarten.

At the KIMBI Kindergarten, one staff member is confirmed positive and is asymptomatic. As the various classes have been separated here as well, only one class, the Blue Fish class, is on break until October 16, for the duration of the epidemiological observation. The municipal government provides testing for special education teachers and specialised service visiting our kindergartens, although they are not employees of the municipal council but of the institutions operated by the local education centre.

Since they are involved in the special education of preschool children, their testing is also very important. A screening due this week showed one of the visiting SpEd teachers had a positive PCR test result. She is asymptomatic, but as she came into contact with five children in three separate kindergartens (Mackós, Süni, and Táltos Kindergarten) before the test result was available, the children were also placed under epidemiological surveillance.